Tuesday 30 June 2015

iZombie season finale

Season 1, Ep 13 "Blaine's world" | Aired Jun 09

iZombie's first Season ended with a bang . . literally!
Max Rager seems like its going to be the main subject in the next season with his energy drink causing more people to go on violence outbursts.

So lets start with a round up of the last huge Major escaped the freezer and went on a Zombie killing spree to finally try and put a stop to Blaine and the rest of his zombie crew killing innocent people and then selling their brains at the Meat Chute.
Blaine turns up to find all of his zombie crew dead, but he quickly puts the spree to an end by stabbing Major in the stomach. 

With Liv then turning up and shooting Blaine also giving him half of the cure. Which will now stop him almost completely from causing any more havoc, with Major now practically dead next her she thinks fast and turns him in to a zombie but then later on using the rest of the cure to turn him back as he isnt happy about what she did even though it saved him.

It ended with Liv's little brother going to the Meat Chute for his first shift but when he arrives he realized something isn't right. 

Well of course something isn't right there is glass and body scattered through out the building. 
As he steps back in shock a HUGE explosion erupts, next it shows a doctor talking th Liv and her mother about Evan. Since he lost a lot of blood he needs a blood transfusion, he needs type O and Liv is a type. 

Will she give the blood and save him but also turning him into a zombie or will she let him die? 

Season 2 of iZombie is due to air on October 6th this year. 

Friday 19 June 2015

My top 4 Xbox exlusives announced at E3

Many game's were announce at E3 this year, with more big exclusive's too Xbox than other years. With the return of big blockbusters exclusives including, Gears of war, Halo, Tom raider and Forza Motorsport its a good year for the Xbox gamers.

Here are my top four Xbox exclusives I'm looking forward too.

1. Recore 

Recore is a game about a girl named Jewel and her robotic dog Mac, who find themselves living in a time with few human survivors of a devastated world.Mac who is Jewel's trust companion, is not a dog but a blue core which represents the soul. The player will have the opportunity to customize this core in any way they choose as they can place the core into other bodies similar too or completely different from the dog character seen in the trailer reveled at E3.  

2. Fable Legends

Fable Legends is the next to come to the fantasy series. Now being able to play multiplayer across Xbox one and Windows 10 PC's and the new 4 vs 1 multiplayer setting. Be a hero or the villain in the all new Albion where anything is possible.

3. Rise of the Tomb Raider

Lara Croft is back and submersed in another daring adventure. With the clip that was shown at E3 features a dynamic environment. The blizzard conditions in the game look amazing. Gamers will be able to use the environment to your advantage, scale trees, dive underwater to either take down or avoid enemies.   

4. Halo 5 Guardians

Master chief is missing when an unstoppable force threatens the galaxy. Play as Master chief or Spartan Locke as the hunt explores across three new worlds. With the adding of a new multiplayer mode called Warzone, Two 12 player teams against one another in large arenas dotted with adjectives. which is surely going to be chaos.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Xbox's three big revels at E3

With their unveiling of the backwards compatibility, the Microsoft Hololens headset and the elite controller, Xbox's conference at E3 is what everyone is talking about in the gaming world.

Lets start of with backwards compatibility. Owners of the Xbox One can now play Xbox 360 games for FREE, Supporting more than 100 games at launch with many more being added overtime. 
I personally cant wait for this as there are many games that i love on the 360 and a lot that i would love to try.
With games now running on Xbox one players with be able to use some of its unique features. Microsoft's also Mike Ybarra walked through some of the possibility, including screen capping using kinect.

Next is Microsoft Hololens headset, this blew my mind! With the demonstration of Minecraft being played with them it wowed the audience. Using the Hololens headset players with be able to play minecraft on any flat surfaces like a wall or table. A member of the Mojang team was able to zoom in and out of the world, grab the world to revel what was beneath his village and look inside buildings.
The Hololens will also support voice commands, for example saying "lighting strike" in order to send down a bolt of lighting to any destination you wish. 

 Lastly the elite controller, with it being aimed at the pro side of gaming and gamers that like the customization side of it. Its sure going to be a hit with the amount of customization it has to offer.Being priced at £129.99 and set to release in October.